Report highlights impacts and regulations, by the numbers

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Evaluation of Flood Hazards

The Youngken Report is now available online

Historic Coastal Communities and Flood Hazard:
A Preliminary Evaluation of Impacts to Historic Properties

Prepared by Youngken Associates for Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission and City of Newport, Rhode Island

youngken-report-webThe Historic Coastal Communities and Flood Hazard report (2015), released recently by RIHPHC, is the result of initial research on the potential impacts of flood regulations to historic properties in coastal Rhode Island.

While the full report is more than 30 pages long, the Executive Summary (pages 3-6)  captures initial findings – based on sound science and reliable observation over time – identifying projections for threatening conditions in Rhode Island.

The findings – previously unavailable online – address the following key questions:

  1. How many Rhode Island coastal historic properties are affected by flood regulations?[gdlr_space height=”20px”]
  2. What is the value of property that may be impacted by flood regulations in Newport?[gdlr_space height=”20px”]
  3. Are there key coastal historic properties and districts that may be impacted by flood regulations?[gdlr_space height=”20px”]
  4. What is the current regulatory climate for coastal flood hazards?[gdlr_space height=”20px”]
  5.  Is there useful information from case study review?[gdlr_space height=”20px”]
  6. Are there examples of cities and towns in Rhode Island with flood regulation programs, and what has their experience been?[gdlr_space height=”20px”]
  7. What resources are available for further study?[gdlr_space height=”20px”]

Potential economic impact from damage and loss to historic assets is immense, as evidenced by another recently released report given by RI State Representative Lauren Carson. This report, The Economics of Flooding and Sea Level Rise in a Historic New England City, uses extensive data compiled by City of Newport Geographic Information System Coordinator Melissa Barker, to calculate the number of historic properties that are affected by flood hazard regulations.

Featured image courtesy Melissa Barker, City of Newport, GIS Coordinator