Training the next generation
of preservation tradespeople
NRF’s Historic Trades Initiative is part of a broader effort by preservation organizations and tradespeople to ensure the continuation of unique and critical skills needed to work on historic buildings. Our workforce development efforts at the national and local levels support apprenticeship programs, the creation of clear career pathways, and opportunities to explore the preservation trades.
The initiative utilizes the extensive knowledge and experience of the NRF preservation crew and local tradespeople to pass historic trades skills to the next generation of craftspeople working in the historic trades.
NRF offers a core set of programs each year with additional specialized programs.
“The Preservation Trades Specialist Training Program is a ‘Must Keep’ for tradesmen now and future in order to keep the need for historical preservation going. Great staff, great instructors, great program for a broad understanding of preservation.”
Ongoing Programs

Job Shadowing with NRF Preservation Crew
This five-day job shadowing program provides experience for community members in various preservation trade disciplines.
Participants will gain insight into career opportunities in the historic trades.
Careers in the Historic Preservation Trades Presentations
54% of Newport properties are considered historic, making Aquidneck Island an ideal center for a career in historic preservation. Career awareness is an important factor in growing the field. NRF offers community organizations the opportunity to learn about careers in the historic trades.
Program Schedule
The Newport Restoration Foundation’s Historic Trades Initiative provides opportunities for new and experienced craftspeople to expand their skills, learn new trades, and gain expertise in the historic trades.
Throughout the year, NRF offers a series of classes, workshops, and other opportunities for professional development and career exploration in the historic trades.
Winter - Preservation Trades Specialist Program
Now in its third year, the Preservation Trades Specialist program provides participants with a complete overview of the various skills, knowledge and techniques required for a career in the preservation trades. Along with our partners in the Newport preservation industry, NRF provides opportunities for hands-on training and skill application in a variety of disciplines including historic masonry, carpentry, millwork, paints and finishes, and more.
“The hands-on experience of working with different materials and tools specific to each, plus receiving instruction from experts was an experience you can’t get anywhere else. If this was the 101 course I’d love to see and apply for a 200 level course.”
Spring - Topic Specific Trades Training Workshop
2024 kicked off NRF’s first masonry workshop- Preservation & Restoration of Historic Brick and Stonework.
In 2025 NRF will offer a masonry, plastering, or window restoration workshop. More information will be forth coming, but the workshop(s) will focus on tradesmen honing their skills in historic properties.
Summer - Historic Carpentry Internship
In this internship, participants will work under the supervision of NRF’s Crew Supervisor who will guide the daily prioritization of work to be completed. The carpentry crew and mill’s primary role is to repair or recreate interior and exterior property features such as windows, doors, trim, clapboard, and staircases for installation on NRF properties.
Fall - College Field Internship
University students in preservation or in a related field work alongside the Preservation Crew to gain more hands-on experience with fieldwork. This is opportunity is for someone with a desire to move into the preservation trades access to the craft side of preservation.
Rogers High School Carpentry CTE – Each Fall, NRF visits Rogers High School to speak with carpentry students about the preservation trades as a career pathway.

Historic Trades Initiative Partners
Community Stakeholders
Campaign for Historic Trades- Preservation Maryland
National Preservation Partners Network- Workforce Development & Education Committee
Preservation Trades Network- Member of Education Initiative
Providence Preservation Society
Student Conservation Association
IYRS School of Technology & Trades
Salve Regina University- Preservation Dept.
Roger Williams University- Preservation, Architecture, Construction Management
Program & Curriculum Development Contributors
NRF Preservation Crew
The Newport Restoration Foundation’s expert, in-house crew of mill carpenters, field carpenters, and painters is responsible for maintaining and restoring our portfolio of Preservation Properties.