Conference Publication: Call for Mini-Papers

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Conference Publication

Call for mini-papers

The conference may be over, but the work continues!

The Newport Restoration Foundation is now in the process of creating an edited book on the threats of rising sea level/riverine flooding to historic buildings, places, and landscapes and how changes to and potential erasure of these resources can be mitigated. Rather than a strict account of conference proceedings, this publication will be structured as a foundational text that draws from and expands on the themes highlighted in April 2016. The publication’s content will come from selected papers from conference presenters, invited papers, and open submissions.

If you’re interested in learning more about the forthcoming publication, or in lending your voice to this project, check out our Call for Mini-Papers on contemporary and historical flood resilient construction techniques and materials. This is the first opportunity to contribute, but certainly isn’t the last, so stay tuned.