2025 Doris Duke Historic Preservation Awards

2025 Awards

The annual Doris Duke Historic Preservation Awards a joint program of the Newport Restoration Foundation (NRF) and the City of Newport— encourage excellence in historic preservation by recognizing exemplary projects that carry forward the legacy of Doris Duke and have had a significant impact on the preservation of the cultural and historic fabric of Newport, Jamestown, Middletown, and Portsmouth.

Award Criteria

  • Eligible recipients are private homeowners; non-profit or for-profit organizations; and federal, state, or local agencies.
  • A wide range of nominations of varying sizes and budgets are encouraged, from small buildings to large; major rehabilitations to minor restorations; landscapes or streetscapes; and education or advocacy initiatives. Particular attention will be paid to projects that reflect one or more of the following themes:
    • Emphasis on craftsmanship
    • Incorporation of training the next generation of preservation tradespeople
    • Attention to resiliency and energy efficiency
    • Excellence in proactive maintenance (painting, roofing, siding repairs, etc.)
    • Visible community impact and/or community engagement component
    • Advancing community needs
  • All work related to the project or initiative must have been completed within the last three (3) years or is an ongoing program/educational initiative.
  • Nominations are welcome from Newport, Jamestown, Middletown, and Portsmouth.
  • Properties that are currently (or anticipated to be) listed for sale will not be considered.

2025 Awards

The annual Doris Duke Historic Preservation Awards a joint program of the Newport Restoration Foundation (NRF) and the City of Newport— encourage excellence in historic preservation by recognizing exemplary projects that carry forward the legacy of Doris Duke and have had a significant impact on the preservation of the cultural and historic fabric of Newport, Jamestown, Middletown, and Portsmouth.

Award Criteria

  • Eligible recipients are private homeowners; non-profit or for-profit organizations; and federal, state, or local agencies.
  • A wide range of nominations of varying sizes and budgets are encouraged, from small buildings to large; major rehabilitations to minor restorations; landscapes or streetscapes; and education or advocacy initiatives. Particular attention will be paid to projects that reflect one or more of the following themes:
    • Emphasis on craftsmanship
    • Incorporation of training the next generation of preservation tradespeople
    • Attention to resiliency and energy efficiency
    • Excellence in proactive maintenance (painting, roofing, siding repairs, etc.)
    • Visible community impact and/or community engagement component
    • Advancing community needs
  • All work related to the project or initiative must have been completed within the last three (3) years or is an ongoing program/educational initiative.
  • Nominations are welcome from Newport, Jamestown, Middletown, and Portsmouth.
  • Properties that are currently (or anticipated to be) listed for sale will not be considered.

Submitting a Nomination

Nominations must be submitted using the form below no later than end of business (5pm ET) Friday, May 2, 2025. For questions about submitting a nomination, please contact Margaret Back, NRF Preservation Projects Manager, at margaret@newportrestoration.org

    Project Information


    Person Submitting the Nomination

    Major Contributors to the Project
    This might include, for example, architects, contractors, funders, and/or partner organizations

    Nominating Statements

    Before and After project photographs with included caption
    This must include at least one set of before and after project photographs.The following image formats are supported: JPG, PDF, PNG, WEBP. (Up to 4MB each)

    Additional visuals
    Additional visuals as needed to support the project nomination, including architectural drawings associated with the project (if applicable) and historic images with captions. (Up to 4MB each)

    The Nomination Review Committee reserves the right to ask for additional information on an as needed basis.

    All submitted material becomes the property of the Newport Restoration Foundation and may be used in publications, websites and other program promotion. No private information obtained as part of this nomination process will be retained, re-used, or redistributed in any manner.

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